Imitating God

I’m going to say some controversial things: you cannot watch Spongebob, you will not wear orange- or even own anything that is orange, and you can’t like things that have coconut in them. How many of you would have fit in my family growing up? Those are 3 things that as David Kent’s child I had to avoid, but to really fit in with my family I just learned to imitate my dad in 3 specific ways: watch Georgia football, mow the grass, and love listening to old radio shows (like adventures in Odyssey).

I adore my dad, even to this day, he does such wonderful silly things that make me laugh- anytime you think that I’m quirky or silly you should remember that I am simply imitating my dad. When my dad is losing in a game he does this sort of growling thing, that I have started doing, when he tells a dad joke he is the first one to laugh at it, like I do. But I’ve also tried to learn how to be a good listener, like he is when I call him on Saturdays and talk to him for 30 minutes straight. I’ve tried to learn to be patient, kind, and loving like he has always been to me. My dad lives a life of loving others, because he knows Jesus.

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul tells them that he wants them to live a life of love by imitating God.
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”

(Ephesians 5:1-2)

Who are we supposed to imitate? Think of an example of Jesus being loving (the interaction with Zaccheus as Jesus he goes out of his way to see him, he forgives Peter after the denial, he is kind to the woman at the well, he heals a blind man, he feeds the hungry etc.). In contrast to this example, Paul gives us 3 examples of things that those of us who are part of God’s family should not participate in.

“Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people. Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.”

(Ephesians 5:3-5)

What are the things that don’t fit the “life of love”? Sexual sins, impurity of any kind, and greed because ultimately these things show that we care more about pleasing ourselves than we do about loving God and others. Maybe you haven’t experienced all of these sins yourself, but I believe at some time you will have experienced at least one of them. When it comes to sexual sin, the greek word porneia (which we get pornography from) means anytime we act on trying to please ourselves sexually outside of marriage. When it comes to impurity, we can think of anytime we speak unkindly about someone, or do something that disobeys our parents, anytime we put ourselves as more important than everyone else. When it comes to greed, it isn’t just money- it’s food you don’t want to share, it’s your time on your phone when your parents ask you to give that time up for chores. All of us at some time have been guilty of these sins, and we try to excuse them saying “it’s not really that bad”, Paul knew that and continued,

“Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him. Don’t participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.”

(Ephesians 5:6-9)

“My friends are allowed to watch Spongebob.” I would always complain to my dad thinking that he would realize how unfair he was being by not letting me watch. But his response was always to say, “Well, your friends don’t live in our house.” My dad didn’t mind if I was friends with people who wore orange or watched Spongebob- but he knew it would be better for my life if I didn’t participate in those things. God knows that you are guilty of sin, he knows that there are people in the world who will not repent, but if you want to be part of his family to “live in his house” there are things you have to repent from doing. Because you are called to do something greater- greater than eating coconut! You are called to do what is good, right, and true.

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(Ephesians 5:15-20)

When people get drunk it’s because they make a choice to drink too much, when they make that choice, then they lose control of their actions and clarity of thought. Then they begin to change, they may get angry or weepy or just act plain stupid. Paul says, don’t do that to yourself, instead choose the Holy Spirit, give up control to Him, and let Him change you from the inside out. There are times when we will want to do things that are unfitting for the life of love, we will want to disobey our parents or make mean jokes about others- but the more time we spend getting to know God, the more we become like Him. Because of how often I have imitated my dad (thinking he was being funny, silly, or strong) the things I practiced doing became part of who I am. Sometimes it’s simple phrases he used to say that are part of my everyday speech “We can’t get there from here.” “Who’s bothering us?”, the way I do voices when I read stories aloud because he did, the way I won’t use more than one paper towel at a time because “it’s wasteful”. What I practiced became part of who I am. I grew up knowing my dad loved me, and it caused me to love him back. I grew up seeing what he did and it caused me to want to do it too. The big idea today isn’t to avoid immorality, impurity, and greed because “I said so”. The big idea is that because God loves you, you have the opportunity to imitate him and live a life of love.


Jesus Did It First


Getting Dressed